VICS 2016 – New Cohort
Our team is very excited to announce that we are recruiting a new cohort of babies this year. From 1st April 2016 until the 31st March 2017, all surviving infants in Victoria who are born below 28 weeks gestation or weigh less than one kilogram will be offered the opportunity to be part of our long term follow up research.
The programme also includes an equal number of babies born on time.
As part of the study we will be offering all participants to video their baby’s movements at 12 and 14 weeks corrected age. This is known as “Baby Moves.” Please see below for description and what the videoing will entail.
When your baby is 3-4 months of age (based on their original due date) we will ask you to video your baby’s movements on two occasions using a mobile phone application (app). The app will be downloaded by you and will give you reminders about when to video your baby. The purpose of this app is for parents to record and upload a video of an infant’s natural body movements, known as General Movements. The General Movements assessment is done by looking at specific movement patterns that occur when a baby is awake and lying on their back without any other handling, and can be scored from a video recording. If you do not have a mobile phone that is able to record video, then other options to record your baby’s movements will be discussed with you. Each video will take approximately three minutes to record, and about three minutes to upload. Each video will use between 19-23 megabytes of data. Two videos are being recorded so that we can observe specific General Movements as your baby develops. The video will be uploaded to a secure database for a health professional trained in the General Movements assessment to check.
Please click on the link to watch a demonstration video.
Please don’t hesitate to call us with any questions.